Everyone’s favorite block-headed narcoleptic rescue dog Farkle is back, this time for a Howl-iday adventure!
It’s the night before Dogmas, and Farkle is sleeping and dreaming of bacon in his furever home, alongside his brother Tucker. Suddenly, he is awakened by a strange noise coming from the kitchen. Upon investigation, he finds a joyful round man that could be none other than Santa Paws! Santa commands Farkle and Tucker to join him as he borrows the Touch of Grey Rescue van. Farkle and Tucker find themselves on an adventure of a lifetime as Santa shifts into a magical gear, promising to find all the abandoned dogs a home for the Holidays. Farkle discovers early on that Santa packs bacon in his bag, which triggers his signature sleepy spells. After his second nap, Farkle wakes up in his bed at home. Was it all a dream?
A sweet and magical story of wonder, Twas the Night Before Dogmas is a modern twist on a Christmas classic. Told in the voice of a beloved special-needs rescue dog named Farkle, this book is sure to delight children and adults alike.
- Author: Wendy Johnson
- Illustrator: Leslie Harrington
- Format: Hardcover
- 42 pages
- Publisher: Book Baby
- Publication Date: November 2023
- Size: 9 x 7